it true?

__those-kidz__ it true?

5 0
neither do i😢 why would jessie after all we have done. we did wish for christmas she came back...just didn't think it would happen like this... I know I'm going to wish for my brother think god can bring him back to life *cries*
I want just MeJessBrandonAvesRichiShae when it was like that. that was my acc name and that was when everything was easy
I should never have left Brandon if I didn't then none of this would happen it's all my fault for turning jessie I to this so I'm going to fix it now Shae has blacked out too
but not everyone is here and she is still a part OH MY GOD WE R SO DEAD
I want to talk to her first. don't worry I'll get my cousin she just stop her
xxWhat would she do this
sorry aves I had to me and Kylie r doing a big sort out of the house ugh it's a lain😫
no aves
no she isn't going to aves why
I'd be so sad I'll kill myself